Thursday, 30 July 2009

Week 4 WI

...3lbs...making a total loss of 12lbs in 4 weeks.

I know I am just behind the target average per week but I am still pleased with how much I have managed to lose already.

Onwards and upwards.


*apologies for not posting this yesterday*

Monday, 27 July 2009


I'm having one of those days. You know the ones I am on about, where you feel that you will never lose weight. I know deep down that it all takes time and that everything is possible, but it doesn't stop you getting annoyed from time to time.

It's probably just that I feel a little run down (I've got a sore throat) and I'm sure that tomorrow my enthusiasm will return. Perhaps I need to think of a new focus, like deciding what diet I am going to follow for month 2.

Any suggestions?


Thursday, 23 July 2009

Look at this guy

A nice little video about a guy who has lost lots of weight, and did it without surgery!

A quick mention to Jim on minimins too...he is an inspiration.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Week 3 WI

...and I have lost 2lbs this week...making a total loss of 9lbs.

Naturally I am disappointed to slip slightly below the average weight loss per week required, but this is a long term project and I will battle on. I'm still going to stick with Slimming World as the plan does seem to suit me; this week I reckon that a hectic work schedule buggered things up a little. Perhaps that is a bit of an excuse though; work was unexpectedly hectic but I guess I should always plan for the unexpected...the key to achieving goals, particularly weight loss ones, is to plan well in advance.


Monday, 20 July 2009

hello :)

Just wanted to say that I am sorry for having been so quiet...a minor (major) crisis at work occurred and my focus has been on that. It has taken its toll on my eating a little but I'm still hopeful of showing a loss this Wednesday WI.

Hope you are all well. Let me know how you are getting on.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

2nd week WI

I'm going to apologies on 2 fronts - the first being that I haven't updated in a few day; work has been incredibly draining on my time. The second apology due to the fact that this post will be quite short; again for the same reason, but work should calm down after today.

Anyway, this week I have lost 3lbs, so I am now 7lbs down in 2 weeks...I'm pretty pleased with that.

Hope you are all well.


Friday, 10 July 2009

a little video

Everything is going ok, have fully recovered from a horrible migraine attack now.

I was browsing the BBC website to check on the sports news etc and I noticed this little video, I think it's worth a look at;

The guy has slimmed down to 11stones and 5 lbs...which I thought I would mention as that is the lowest adult weight I have ever been *eek*

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

and the result is....

...4 lbs lost this week! I'm pretty happy with that - it's more than the average needed per week. I know it's not a 'magic' first week loss but there we are.

Am in a rush so I'll post another message later on.


Monday, 6 July 2009

Jacket potatoes

Just how many JPs do you think I will end up eating by the end of this month? Hundreds I reckon! The great thing about slimming world green days is that carbs such as potatoes and rice are allowed in unlimited amounts...well, you can't have regular chips but there is a way of cooking them with fry light that makes them taste almost as good. It seem sreally naughty to be eating so many carbs but I think it's working...

...on Wednesday we will find out. I'm going to be weighing in every Wednesday as it was a Wednesday the challenge started on. In addition, I will weigh in on he 1st if each month in order to find out what my monthy loss is. Between the 1st July and the 1st November there are 17 weeks and a few days; if we say that there are 17 weeks in which I need to lose 56 lbs then the average is 3.294 lbs per week.

Fingers crossed for Wednesday.


Thursday, 2 July 2009

today, I have been...

...going for a pee far too much. All this water going in and out will be the death of me :) Well, maybe not, but it is damn tiring.

Nothing eventful to report really...I might pop a couple of my meal records by the end of the week, just so you can see what I have been eating.

Keep up the losses.



Wednesday, 1 July 2009

start photos

Front and side photos taken this evening, straight after dinner. (I don't always wear awful doing a spot of decorating!)

And so it begins...Day 1 (with stats)

It has begun...the clock is now counting down :)

Just before I list my stats I want to welcome gypsygirl from to the challenge...good luck to you, I know you can do it!


Weight: 15 stones 7 lbs *eek*
At hips: 41 inches
At belly button: 43 inches
Chest: 42.5 inches
Thigh 22.5 inches

As you can see I have measured at both my belly button and roughly where my jeans/trousers come up to, rather than have a generic 'waist' measurement.


I will add these up later today - I am having difficulty uploading them right now.


I had intended on low-carbing for the first month but I have changed my mind. Instead I am going to break myself following a slimming world plan for the next month; this is largely because when it is so hot I am not always fond of eating meat (not that I'm overly fond of meat anyway.) I appreciate that low-carbing can be done without meat but I reckon that if I tried that then I might fail - I think I'll save low carbing efforts for later down the line for when I need a boost. The slimming world green plan will allow me to eat lots of jacket potatoes which are an absolute dream with salad on lovely summer days.

Good luck everyone!
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